Infantry Day celebrations at the Infantry School commenced with wreath laying ceremony
held at Infantry War memorial on Friday. Infantry School Commandant Lt Gen PN
Ananthanarayanan laid wreath at the memorial, following which a large number of
senior serving Infantry officers, veterans and other ranks also laid wreaths
and remembered the fallen heroes of Infantry. They also saluted their sacrifice.
press release stated that a mega event in the form of Infantry Day Marathon
"Runveer 5.0" will be held is scheduled to be held on Sunday.
October 27 is a historically significant day for the nation as 77 years ago on this day, the first battalion of the Sikh regiment of Indian Army landed at Srinagar airfield and resolutely defended Kashmir from falling into Pakistani hands. To commemorate this gallant action of the Infantry, the day is celebrated as Infantry Day.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें