Vajra Corps celebrates Fifth Tri-Services Veterans Day

 Fifth Tri-Services Veterans Day was celebrated by Vajra Corps at Central Garrison Ground, Ludhiana today to honour the services and sacrifice of the veterans of the Armed Forces. It is venerated as a day when Field Marshall KM Cariappa, the first Commander-in-chief of Indian Army post independence hung his uniform in 1953 after a glorious service to the nation. The occasion also coincides with the 50th anniversary of India’s victory over Pakistan during 1971 Indo Pak war which led to liberation of Bangladesh.

The year is being celebrated as ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’ to revere the might of Indian Armed Forces.


Lt Gen C Bansi Ponnappa, AVSM, VSM, GOC, 11 Corps was the chief guest of the fifth Tri-services Veterans day 2021 celebration at Ludhiana. Brig Neeraj Sharma, Station Commander, Ludhiana welcomed all attendees and Chief Guest and highlighted the importance of the event. Brig Joginder Singh Jaswal, SM (retd) and Col H S Sandhu, SM (retd) war heroes of 1971 shared the firsthand account of their experiences of 1971 Indo Pak war which captivated the moment and filled everyone with the feeling of pride & patriotism
