Hada Sir's Series on "Important Tips for Cyber Safety"


Today with the rapid development in computer technology, computers and internet become the basic necessity. Today’s age cannot be even thought of without internet. Although internet has made thing easier but it has posed many security risks too.

It is very important to know about the various possible threats and risks of working on Internet to ensure personal safety and security. So at this time knowledge about cyber safety and cybercrime is required. 

Cyber Safety:- 

Cyber safety refers to the safe use of internet. It involves all ethics regarding safe browsing and knowledge about possible threats.

Different ways Websites tracks you:-

IP Address


HTTP referrer

Super Cookies

User Agent

How to do safe browsing:-

  Browsing, refers to visiting a website without any prior aim or target. A user normally browse the internet many times in a day.There are several ways to protect yourself and make your internet experience a safer and more satisfying experience, no matter whether you are browsing on a laptop, tablet or smartphone. Here are some of tips:

10 tips for browsing safely

Keep your browser and any plugins updated.

Use a browser that allows you to take your bookmarks with you between devices. 

Block Pop-ups regularly as and when required.

Use an ad blocker.

Enable “do not track” in your browser.

Clear your web browser cache and cookies.

Turn on private browsing. (incognito browsing)

Use a VPN.

Use a password manager.

Ensure you have up-to-date antivirus and firewall protection.


Yashdev Hada



Next Episode:-

 Cyber Crime, Cyber Troll, Cyber Bullying, Cyber Stalking
