Young Writer/Poet Aaheli Roy's Reviews of Famous Books


Hi, I am Aaheli Roy, a 14 year old poet and writer who will try to get you out of your bed and do something productive with the free time in our hands. Considering the current pandemic and how it has lead people to be sitting free and having a lot of time on their hands, I decided to put down a list of books which I myself have read and thoroughly enjoyed. I admit that I too have been distracted on my cell phone and laptop after my classes finish, but the both of us can try and improve our habit and actually do something useful. So be electrocuted by these interesting, gripping and imaginative books I picked out for you (don’t trust me)-



In Japan, millions of people have ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy) a reason to jump out of bed each morning.

What’s your reason for getting up in the morning?

The Japanese island of Okinawa, where ikigai has its origins, is said to be home to the largest population of centenarians in the world.

Could the concept of ikigai contribute to longevity?

This eye- opening book will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, friendships and throw yourself into passion. Letting you in on a secret, if you have an urge to live longer and most importantly to live happily, these tricks on how to achieve calmness and come in peace with your mind, body and soul will definitely keep you going in quarantine.



The Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank, journal by Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who chronicled her family’s two years (1942–44) in hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II. The book was first published in 1947—two years after Anne’s death in a concentration camp—and later became a classic of war literature.

In 1933 Anne’s family—her father, Otto; her mother, Edith; and her older sister, Margot—moved to Amsterdam from Germany following the rise of Adolf Hitler. In 1940 the Netherlands was invaded by Germany, which began to enact various anti-Jewish measures, one of which required Anne and her sister to enroll in an all-Jewish school the following year. On June 12, 1942, Anne received a red-and-white plaid diary for her 13th birthday. That day she began writing in the book: “I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.” The following month Margot received an order to report to a labour camp. Facing arrest if she did not comply, the family went into hiding on July 6, 1942, moving into a “secret annex” at Otto’s business in Amsterdam, the entrance to which was soon hidden behind a moveable bookcase. The Franks were later joined by four other Jews—Hermann and Auguste van Pels and their son, Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer—and were aided by several friends, including MiepGies, who brought food and other supplies.

This is a seriously gruesome but also heart-warming story of a girl whose life completely changes at the age of 13. It will keep you hooked until the last moment and live the life of a teenager whose life was taken at a tender age.



The Sun and her Flowers is a collection of poetry in five parts by RupiKaur. These five sections trace Kaur’s journey towards self-love and self-empowerment, eventually culminating in Kaur’s contented statement, “there is nothing left to worry about. the sun and her flowers are here”

Kaur’s collection begins with a section called “wilting”

Throughout “wilting,” Kaur deals with self-hatred, depression, and loneliness, unable to move on from her past relationship. By the end of “wilting,” Kaur decides that she must move on, thus truly beginning the journey that will persist throughout The Sun and her Flowers.

In falling she describes the memories and traumas of her childhood and how it changed her as a person.

in rooting, she considers the immigration of her parent’s from her country and how it affected her childhood and adultery.

In rising, she realizes how she can embrace herself and spreads the idea of self-love.

And in blooming, she concludes that finding love in yourself is the only way you can achieve happiness as a person.

I really loved the intricate details and emotions in this book as we can really relate to the way RupiKaur has perfectly summed up almost everyone’s ‘not so perfect life’, it truly makes you realize your self- worth and gives you consolation and encourages you to embrace your inner self. I personally didn’t like her previous books such as ‘Milk and Honey’, but this showed that she improved and put a bit more of thought process on this one.



September, 1939. As the Second World War begins, ten-year-old Shirley is sent away on a train with her schoolmates. She doesn’t know where she’s going, or what’s going to happen to her when she gets there. All she has been told is that she’s going on ‘a little holiday’.

Shirley is billeted in the country, with two boys from East End London, Kevin and Archie – and their experiences living in the strange, half-empty Red House, with the mysterious and reclusive Mrs Waverley, will change their lives for ever.

I read this book almost a year ago, and Jacqueline Wilson’s books absolutely fascinate me. She described Shirley’s emotions in a way you could actually sense what she wanted and how she felt. Describing traumatic events such as wars from the view of a mere teenager is incredibly difficult. You would certainly be gripped and hope for an ending which would result in the protagonists being safe.

I hope I helped you with these suggestions and encourage you to read them and be more productive this quarantine. We are all in this together and spending time on things that matter will not only boost you mood but also enlighten you as a person.

