Welfare activities for helping the poor going on by TacAdventure group

Since the day Janata Curfew was observed by the people of the country, problems for those daily wagers and other such workers started surfacing not only in Mhow but across the country.

Looking at their problems, a group named TacAdventure formed by a group of army officers and some of the civilian friends (for cycling, trekking and other adventure activities) started welfare activities for those who were feeling deprived due to the lockdown, they started distributing dry ration amongst the the poorest of the poor people of our society and who live in slum areas.

Under this activity, the group distributed dry ration packets to the villagers of Mangliya, Kushalgarh and Jhikriyakhedi through journalist Rajesh Jauhri.

These packets contained wheat flour, rice, sugar, oil, tea leaves and soap which are very essential for any family.

We came to know about a very interesting fact about this group yesterday. This group has many military officers who have the spirit of donating to the society but without having the urge for getting their names published in any of the media. Secondly, they are training their children for welfare activities at a time when most of these children are studying in  schools. As it is the vacation time for the children due to the lock down, the children are given the responsibility of packing the ration and making packets for individual families.

This will definitely nurture very important quality of "Joy of Giving" in those young minds.
