First reaction of retired women military officers

Capt (retired) Anubha Rathore who served with Army Ordnance Corps for five years and had played an active role in the Kargil War and now residing at Delhi termed this decision as historic that has recognized talent of 50% population that was not getting equal opportunity just because of her gender. Now there will be a healthy competition and talent will come out of it. As far as decision regarding pension to women officers is concerned, from now they will be looked upon as other officers and will get postings at all places. “If we talk about physical capabilities of women, I would like to say that there are 3 women officers in Para commando brigade who run 40 km while carrying all weapons just like men and sometimes better than them”, she said. This decision is also good for the society as a message will be there that women are not inferior to men in any sense.     


Maj (retired) DVS Lakshmipriya who served with Electronic & Mechanical Corps of army for 9 years and presently residing at Hyderabad said that it was mush awaited decision and hailed the efforts of Lt Col Seema Singh and Lt Col Anjali Bisht who had been fighting for the cause legally. Collection of data regarding work of male- female officers from all over the country was a very challenging task which supported their case in the court. She said that they were 51 officers in her batch of 1999, out of whom 20 are still serving in the army. The decision will affect them as they will get permanent commission and will be able to serve like their male counterparts. She said that when PM Modi announced about permanent commission to women in August 2018, they all got a ray of hope to achieve the same. She is still in touch with her course mates and had felt the pain in their minds that they will have to be retired soon. As far as potential of woman officer is concerned, it is not less than a male officer in any way.           


Capt (retired) K Malathi Latha who served with Army Service Corps for 5 years  and presently residing at Hyderabad said that just after the order was passed, about 100 women officers (both presently serving and retired) congratulated each other on this landmark judgment and have also planned for a party to be organized very soon for celebrating this victory of women officers in the much elongated legal battle. “In my service years and even after it, I have seen that as far as efforts, dedication towards duties, discipline and sincerity of women officers are concerned, they are at par with the men in uniform”, she said. Talking further about the article 14 and 15 of Indian constitution, she said that when there is no distinction on the basis of caste, gender, place of birth, race ir religion in the whole country, they why should it be there in the forces.       
