Officers of 1974 YO Course of MCTE celebrate course's Golden Jubilee at Mhow

Photo: 1974 YO Course course mates posing for group photo in the backdrop of more than 200 year old Baiobab Tree at MCTE Officers' Mess in Mhow

Mhow: Twenty veteran corps of signals officers having undergone Young Officers (YO) course of 1974 batch met after 50 years at their Alma Mater, Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE) recently. Their spouses were also with them to celebrate the golden jubilee of passing out of the prestigious course, which is held at MCTE and is just like the YO course of Infantry School, in which young officers taken part.

Former National Cyber Security Coordinator at PMO Lt Gen Rajesh Pant (retired) told TOI, “It was a nostalgic moment for all of us who were part of YO course of 1974 batch as except me, all others have come to Mhow not only from across the country but also from outside the country. We all walked through the campus just like we used to do in those days and the main aim behind this reunion and celebrating golden jubilee was to relive those moments. A lot has been changed in terms of classrooms, technology, ways of instruction and the infrastructure but one thing that has not been changed is the tradition of the army despite passage of generations”.

Col Kuldeep Bhatnagar (retired), former Chief Information & Security Officer & IT Advisor with Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi said, “Before starting any celebration, we paid homage to those 11 course mates of ours who have passed away. We were 46 signals officers in the course, out of which 20 have gathered at Mhow and after paying homage, we shared each other’s life moments of last 50 years. When we interacted with the officers of present YO course, we found them to be very keen in knowing the format and details of the course of our time. Our wives also interacted with the wives of the present young officers during social evening and shared experiences of their times”.         

Maj Gen Tapas Das (retired), director of a training institute at Jaipur said, “Best part of the interaction with the present generation officers was that in every discussion, they asked us to give them lessons based on our experiences. We told them that unlike our times, today is the era of quantum, drones, cyber warfare and gave them example of the recent pager attacks on a large group simultaneously. We advised them to remain hybrid and very flexible because present wars and battles need highly versatile warriors who can use any technology or any platform as part of their duty. 

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