Children's Day celebrated with slum kids By Janvikas Society


Janvikas Society celebrated the children's day -  with the children of the slums of Indore with a colourful program. There were 550 people including 450 children from 25 slums, parents, staff and well wishers. The chief guest of the function was Colonel Gururaj Pamidi, IIM Indore, and the Guests of honour were Colonel Diraj Shah Hebron, Mhow, Fr. Jolly John, Dr. CP Mathew, Principal - Indore School of Social Work, Mrs. Surbhi Dayal, IIM Indore, Mr Shivam Takkar, Crime Branch Indore, Mrs. Anjali Srivastav, SI Bhawarkua, Dr. Arvind Parihar, Professor - DAVV. 

Dr. Pamidi encouraged the children to work hard to achieve the dream and to look towards the future with hope. Colonel Diraj Shah spoke that we need to be true citizens of the country by selfless service and commitment. Dr. Mathew also encouraged the children to celebrate life and be happy always. The children performed beautiful dances, skit and other programs and it was a day coloured with lots of joy and happiness.

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