Workshop under STRIDE project for e- development of BRAUSS campus held


Mhow: Director General of ERNET India Sanjeev Banzal, the resource person addressed a workshop on "Brauss e-research and development" at Dr BR Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow on Friday 13 January 2023. Officiating Vice Chancellor Prof DK Verma presided over the workshop while all faculty members of the university attended the workshop aimed at digitalization of campus, syllabus and system of education. The workshop was part of the Faculty Research Capacity Building (FCRB) of the UGC STRIDE project component-1.


Prof DK Verma gave introduction of the university, its mandate, its journey from a National Institute in 1988 to the first Social Science University and the present state of digitalization of the university.  


Speaking on the occasion, Banzal said that his organization is of the Govt of India and works in content delivery, digital networking of educational institutes and digitalization of campuses in the whole country. Giving the example of National Medical College Network (NMCN) established by his organisation, in which 50 medical colleges of the country in such a way that students of any of these colleges can listen to the lectures delivered by a professor of anyone college. Campuses are also being converted into wifi enabled system and Patna University has recently been made so. Same will be done at Ambedkar University also. He also spoke about Eduroam feature, by which 5000 colleges of about 100 countries including 300 colleges of India have been networked.
Banzal said that his organisation is working day and night for ensuring 5G network in every tehsil by mid of 2024 and looking at this, faculty must start thinking of switching over to digital world. Even digital universities.

After his address, Prof Verma told about what the University wants from ERNET. He said that there is very poor or no connectivity in remote tribal villages which are in university's mandate. Even if there is some connectivity in some village, the villagers are not having proper handsets. There will soon be social science centres of university in 52 districts and those centres will require connectivity and network integration with the university. E-library system needs to be developed in the university so that the students could access it through their mobile phones. While concluding, Prof Verma urged Mr Banzal to fill the gap between social science and information technology. He assured to extend all cooperation from his organisation.

At the end of the program, Dr Shailendra Mani Tripathi proposed vote of thanks. 

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