Faculty- Students discussion regarding Madhya Pradesh Yuva Niti held at BRAUSS


Mhow: As per Yuva Niti of the state government, the students and faculty members of Dr BR Ambedkar University of Social Sciences had a brainstorming session at the seminar hall of the university on Tuesday afternoon. 

Officiating VC Prof DK Verma presided over the session while Dean Prof Sunil Goyal and Dr Shailendra Mani Tripathi were present as special guest there. Pradeep Kumar, the program officer of National Service Scheme threw light on the topic of discussion and he also conducted the program. Unique feature of the program was that students of various subjects presented their views in the session. 

Mayank Jha said that better coordination between teachers and students should be made.
Kundan Patidar said that teaching through Chalk and board are conventional but if digital screen or audio visual system is used then the instructions will be easily understood by the students.
Akshansh Bhagore said that attendance is becoming very low so digital attendance should be made compulsory.
Aman Patidar of MBA said that industrial visits shoud be planned more and more so that the passing out students could not only get jobs but also could opt for startups.
Neelam Gupta said that the youth is not aware of their responsibility and duties so teachers must tell them about it.
Sanjay Gurjar said that MP's achievements in sports are very low and the university must take part in Khelo India Games.
Vikrant Singh Parihar said that along with educational development, mental development is also must. He gave example of Finland where teacher-student relationship is excellent. He also appealed to the government to increase the percentage of GDP on education.
Samreen Shah said that youth learning centres should be made in every locality as India is a country of youth and basic facilities should be made at villages and downtrodden localities.
Ravi Meena said that this Yuva niti should not be confined to papers only and they must be visible on the ground.
Sagar Sharma said that placement interviews should be started in the university so that the students passing out from here could get employment.
Aman Patidar said that syllabus must be clear to the students well in advance so that they could prepare themselves.
Mahima Verma said that traditional games should be there so that the students could become physically fit and excel at national and international level 
Akansha Anwarte said that exams and semester planning should be made well in advance. 
Prof DK Verma announced formation of a committee comprising representatives of teachers and students. Telling about the university, he said that it is the first university in the state to adopt unified syllabus. Youth has a great energy which can be channelised by traditional sports and folk activities. He also spoke about the e content about the syllabus and other aspects on the university website.
"Youth of our nation is precious Demographic Divident", said Prof Verma while concluding this speech.
Prof Goyal also addressed the gathering.

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